Our Mission
The John Mast Foundation was birthed by John’s family and friends. John’s life was destroyed through false allegations and for just loving his kids. We understand there are countless others fighting the same battle of false allegations and parental alienation like John was. Our goal is to provide trusted resources for anyone who is fighting to be in their kids’ lives for all the right reasons and needing support. We realize the destruction of parental alienation is a widespread issue that affects many. As a tribute to John and the life he lived, our endeavor is to provide resources for those going through similar things John experienced, and hopefully aid them through the process by providing a place to go, to find the help they need.
Our goal is to have an available list of qualified Attorneys that are passionate and knowledgeable about the issue of parental alienation, and have successfully walked clients through similar situations. This resource center would also include other professionals such as Expert Witnesses, Reunification therapist, educational material and more.
Lastly, our hope is to be able to bring awareness of these issues and raise funds to support those who successfully go through the pre-qualifying process. We understand the financial burden is often additional stress and very real, and many times hiring a lawyer is not even an option due to the lack of funds. This is doubly painful on top of what is already the deepest valley one can ever have to go through- watching your kids unjustly kept from you. If you were falsely accused and need assistance, we hope you can find resources here that can benefit you and bring you closer to your goals and reunification with your family.
John Mast Foundation
Board of Directors
Robert Mast
Robert was born into an orthodox Amish community in 1947. Raised on a small dairy farm, he learned early, the simple but important values of accountability, responsibility and work ethic. He also developed a strong sense of fairness, honor and value for life. He...
Samuel Mast
Samuel was born in a traditional Amish community in Ohio. When he was a few years old, the family moved to a smaller community in western PA, where his parents were on a quest for a different environment to raise their children. As part of a big family on a small...
Carolyn Miller
Carolyn Miller is a Transformational Life Coach who is very passionate about helping people tap into their internal resources to live the life they have been placed here on the earth for. She helps people work through trauma, grief, anxiety, PTSD, addictions, and many...
Bill Clark
Bill Clark has had a varied, exciting and diverse employment life. From farming to law enforcement to Port Commissioner and many experiences in between. Farming was a family tradition for the past 100 years. Henry Clark, his grandfather, is the first...
Eric Carroll
Eric Carroll grew up in the town of Columbus, Georgia, as the son of a preacher and inside a home rich in ministry. His goal is to help others and to educate legislators about the broken family court systems destroying America. Dad Talk Today was started to fight...
Kevin Hickey
Justice and injustice have always fascinated me. How our legal system arrives at deciding what is just, and unjust, has likewise captivated me for most of my life. It was during my junior year at the University of Southern California, during an upper-level philosophy...