Carolyn Miller is a Transformational Life Coach who is very passionate about helping people tap into their internal resources to live the life they have been placed here on the earth for. She helps people work through trauma, grief, anxiety, PTSD, addictions, and many other things. Her focus is on helping people define their purpose so they can learn how to overcome the roadblocks that hold them back.

Carolyn has been involved in her family construction business in Central Missouri for the past 15 years. This has truly helped her grow and develop her business skills. She has led the charge of opening business in brand new markets and very successfully growing into multi-million dollar revenues. She is recognized as an influential leader in the business and earned respect, as an Educator, Coach, and Mentor. She has led many Sales Executives to thrive and be successful by helping them see their own strengths and abilities.

As a former Amish where female leadership is squelched, She seeks to inspire women and men to step into leadership and really be who they are created to be. Her passion shines through as I encourage others and teach them who they really are and how to step into their power.

Losing John in February of 2021 was excruciating and really lit a fire inside her to keep John’s candle burning. Knowing it was important to make sure he will be remembered and his story would be told for many years. Only a few short days after his death she started talking about the need for a John Mast Foundation and is extremely excited to see it come to life. 

Knowing there are so many others that experience similar things to what John experienced, her heart is to be able to make a difference in a few of those people in some way.