About John Mast
John Mast was a loving father, son, brother, and friend. John was a quiet, rather private individual, even a bit shy… especially in his younger years. You would hardly hear him speak unless you asked him a question, and if you did, he had a well-considered opinion. He was a kind hearted and caring individual who took interest in others. He always asked you how you were doing and offered encouragement and support for whatever challenge you faced. John was an intellect and loved to educate himself on whatever topics perked his interest at the time. He was an avid reader and loved history. He was someone who enjoyed deep conversations and so would many times initiate stimulating discussion while always valuing your opinion. John was a contemplative and reflective person, a rock solid guy you could depend on.
At a young age John learned the value of hard work, honesty and commitment. As a family man his children were his everything. He worked hard to provide everything they could want or need and spent off-time making memories with them-trips to the park or the lake for fishing, road trips, and tea parties with Ashira were a few of the things he would do with them. He devoted his entire existence to his family, and after his wife ran off with the kids, he turned all his energy toward reuniting with his kids, Ashira and Zayne.
After the kids were taken out of his life unjustly, he devoted everything within him to getting back into their lives. He sacrificed so much for a visit or just to have any communication with the kids at all. When supervised visits were allowed, he paid for the supervision and left after work on Friday, drove all night just to see them for an hour or two, then drove all the way back home to be at work Monday morning. Many times he would stop by his parents for a quick nap in the early morning hours before driving the final 5 hours to Lewiston. The following weekend he would do it all over again. It didn’t matter if it was in the dead of winter with ice, snow or blizzard, John did what he could to see his kids. A number of times he was ‘stood up’ and the visit was canceled without any warning. Despite his hope dashed with the heartbreaking disappointment, the next week he would risk it again, all with one desire, being with his kids.
John was a very nurturing and connected father who dearly loved his kids and had a very healthy bond with them. Ashira and Zayne would eagerly look forward to spending extra time with their daddy on the weekend. He was of exceptional moral fiber and believed wholeheartedly that he needed to be in his kids’ lives as their father, to give them the best outcome. In the end, John paid the ultimate sacrifice for his children.